Science Week

In Scoil Chroí Íosa we enjoy lots of hands on maths activities and stations during Maths week. Maths Week Ireland is an all-island initiative promoting positive attitudes towards maths and highlighting the importance of maths in our lives since 2006. This annual festival is a collaborative partnership of organisations including all the universities, institutes of technology, professional bodies, visitor centres and more.
Maths Week

In Scoil Chroí Íosa we enjoy lots of hands on maths activities and stations during Maths week.
Maths Week Ireland is an all-island initiative promoting positive attitudes towards maths and highlighting the importance of maths in our lives since 2006. This annual festival is a collaborative partnership of organisations including all the universities, institutes of technology, professional bodies, visitor centres and more.

STEM education is an integral part of teaching and learning in our school. We are well equipped with smart boards in every classroom, a suite of i-pads in the junior building and a suite of chromebooks in the senior building. We also have lots of science and engineering equipment such as building materials, science kits and lego mindstorm robots. We have a keen interest in biology and nature also and classes spend time exploring the creatures, flora and fauna in our local natural environment.