Visual Arts

We are a very creative school and the children here love having the opportunity to express themselves through various Visual Arts. We don't mind getting messy and giving the children the freedom to explore their creativity. We also ensure they understand the importance of not wasting materials and of course being able to tidy up afterwards! Throughout each year, the children study artists and make their own creations using Paint and Colour, Drawing, Clay, Print, Construction, Fabric and Fibre.
Here is a little video to show you just some of the classes at work!
We have a strong musical tradition here at Scoil Chroí Íosa. We believe in the benefits of singing for boosting our sense of wellbeing, happiness, positivity, sense of belonging and community. The children sing every day in their classrooms and in the yard at the end of lunch breaks.
Musical Instruments
Every child in the school learns to play the tin whistle. Here is a little video we made in 2022 to show this off!
The children also have lots of opportunities to play percussion instruments or to bring in their own musical instruments from home.
Music Club
We have an optional Music Club which meets at lunchbreak once a week. Children are welcome to sing, to bring their own instruments from home or to choose from the wide range of musical instruments we have available here at school. Children in the Music Club perform at our Open Night and various other events, e.g. Christmas Carol Singing.
Each year we alternate between Christmas Concerts which are done class by class in school, and a whole school Carol Service which we perform in the church.